Monday, November 28, 2005


THOSE apartments a distance away
Devoid of movement and light
Creates an even bigger crevasse
Him and those Singaporeans
Since his was still lighted and
Very much in ambulation

Friday, November 25, 2005

Eyes Only

A new post was up. But since there are eyes here that I do not wish them to see, it was only up for 5 minutes. Had to let everything out.

These eyes makes things more difficult to rant, more difficult to write.

If only Blogger had password locked posts.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Silent Screams

A silent scream out into the night
Vibrating through the fibre of the soul
Like a soul incarcerated I was amongst the human crowd
Yet alone I still felt, the unmistakable fear
And slowly the gentle touches of the wind cups my face
A welcome change in the humid night, if one is observant
One sees on the breeze dead petals of cherry blossoms
As they struggle to hold onto, the fabric of their existence which
Was torn violently from their beings
Restless now they are, in search of that final destination
Those lovely red petals, dancing violently in the wind
Caught in the warm currents. like a thousand shards slicing
Into my heart, piece by piece I see them fall,
Those petals lying, trampled by the passer-bys
Uncared and unspoken for
The beauty forgotten
Abandoned to the winds
Not unlike my heart

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Departure of Persephone


From the moment I stepped out of the doorway, I could feel the chill in the air. The cold bite in the air that snaps at your heels once you are out. The cold bite that heralds the departure of Persephone, otherwise known as Proserpina, back into the arms of Hades. And the mourning of Demeter. What is she possibly doing now, I wonder? In this very age, what form does she take that hides her from the eyes of mortals? An old woman? Or an Alpha female somewhere commanding a legion of subordinates and teleconferencing with eight other CEOs at the same time?

But I digress.

In this place where I reside in currently, there is no spring, no winter. Demeter has no hold over this region of Earth. Over here, only Apollo matters. No disrespect, Demeter. Only the harsh winds of the monsoon, bringing torrential rains over this little island. But tis still cold enough to remind me of the time where I spent a month in a place under the influence of Demeter.

I have fond memories of that place. Very enjoyable it was. The novelty of being under the influence of Demeter seems to have no bounds. The cold air coming out of one's mouth every time one speaks. The hard chill that envelopes the body everytime one steps out, so hard that it warrants a few layers of clothing. The golden warmth of the Sun shining, warm enough to make you appreciate it, and cold enough not to let one sweat either.

It was simply soothing and mesmerizing. Perhaps this warrants a trip to the hinterlands soon. The itch to travel is back...

(C)Image courtesy of Fire Serpent Tantra: Kundalini Mystery School

Monday, November 21, 2005

Epitaph Of Eros

HERE it begins
A purge of everything gained
Those foreign substances in his veins
All associated with pain
Out of the vessel they go
All the things that were once
Good, but the label there another story told
Good, but only for a few months
And herein after that, it expires
No matter, it wasn't him they say
Follow what we say, and you will be free
Those naysayers preached

So he did,
Accordingly to what they say
And dug a very deep hole in a fit
To put in those alien objects treasured most

Up till now, this very day
There lies the hole
"Here lies Eros"
Says the stone
Dead from misadventure
Reads the epitaphios


There we go Elvina. The plan for Ops Purge. Comprehendo?

And on a sidenote,

Eros - Go figure my dear readers. Not someone I would care to elaborate.
Epitaphios - Greek for epitaph

A contrast of some things

Some things, no matter how hard you try to build a wall around them, it keeps coming back to you. One day after the third red wall is up, it just has to be torn down by someone again. One after another, it gets tiring...

Some things, no matter how meaningless or painful, always contained an ounce of delight or remembrance in them. That however meaningless, it was at least something to be treasured. Like the photo ages ago that dropped out (of all places) my calculator manual as I was reading up on linear regression.

Sometimes I am contented ... sometimes I'm not.

Some things are just meant to be the way they are...

Like humanity is simply irritating

Tis time to begin Operation Purge again.

Old ways are definitely better.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Mad Prose

NOW now, that was a pretty long rant. Was it not?
he most fertile plot of land can do wonders
to even the wilting flower. But enough
o'such dreadful stuff. Tis a weekend, a day, a day
for cheerily fluff and for indulging in one's excesses.
Excesses to the contrary, a little drop
-In potency it belongs Dutch courage it's called-
of the potent liquid is enough to do
wonders for numbers as one plus one becomes three
and the the gold seems to be in the midst of the rainbow.
And something for the little narcissist in everyone, including
Aristocrat yours truly.
A dance of magick, twirly and swirly under
the deep dark nights. As we invite the Moon
to come down to earth, lucid dreaming we do.
"Enough enough!" Cries the Other.
"You rant you rant! Bring down the Moon you do say. Bah what rubbish is this! Spits an Other.
"But but..."
"Surely no more buts, young'un. Show them what you truly want
Come on fella, don't be shy. A little always does more good"
Nod nod goes the Other.
"Listen to the wise one you bag of wool for brains fool"
And bit by bit, gingerly tenderly
He took up the sweet little sign which says
Gracias, Velvet."


Some weird prose, for the weird Other in an Other.
Some weird prose, for the Night that stands by the Day
At the same time
In the same place
They stood.
The Other's face melted into an Other
And the Night becomes one with Day

Friday, November 18, 2005


As I was lying in bed, a relevation suddenly dawned upon me. Perhaps that was why I always couldn't sleep at night. I had said this before, if I remember correctly.

The night is always the time where my mind is the most fertile, the strongest spot has to be my bed. Everytime I lie on it, images of anything and everything will swarm over me. Thoughts will come unasked. Everything becomes a whole mess of information and pictures, and it is always up to me to sort it out. To sift throught this mess.

Usually, I would be too lazy to pen it down, letting my muse slipped away, her persuasions wasted on me. But tonight, I decided not to. It was a huge relevation for me. Probably triggered by Aldous Huxley. By his book,
Brave New World. It was mildly disturbing, to say the least.

It was suggested in the book, by Mustapha Mond, one of the World Controllers, that art (and science, but not relevant here) is the nemesis of happiness. Where art exist, happiness will not exist for long. At least, that is my reading of it.

And in a warped sense, it is true.

Art (and science) is the equivalence of knowledge. And what cliched saying comes to mind when the word "knowledge" is mentioned. The more you learn, the more you realised you don't know anything. And when you realise that paradox, what comes next is unhappiness. Is knowledge ever associated with happiness? I only know of instances where it is associated with unhappiness.

The rat race for one. In the quest for the paper chase, are people truly happy doing what they love to do? Only for an elite few who are perhaps rich enough to take the other side of the road. And for some brave ones.

Poetry is another. Now I do realise why I have become what I am today. Perhaps I was shaped by my poetry. The more I wrote, the more sensitive I became. Overtly sensitive to others as well. Perhaps that was part of the deal. I could almost hear Apollo (the god of poetry) saying, "You want to write? Fine, I'll make you more attuned to the emotions of others." If not, maybe I wouldn't be able to bring out the raw emotions in those pieces of work. It would then become another piece of mediocre writing by another mediocre individual who is more suited to numbers than words.

The more I wrote, the more unhappy and melancholic I became. What I wrote, I saw it happening in the world. The unhappiness of it all. Happiness seemed to have vanished. It was entirely insignificant compared to the amount of unhappiness in the world. The words gave me the ability to see the complacency of those people in suits milling in the streets, working from 8 to 5. And after that heading home. Just to get ready for another day that is the same as the rest of the 321 days that had passed before it.

Where is the meaning in that, you tell me? What about all those beautiful things that poetry proclaims? Are those suits really thinking the same thing. The answer is probably a resounding no, unless someone cares to stand up and prove me wrong. Such are the abilities of the art and sciences, the ability to improve our lives, yet they have the ability to destroy it in the happiness quotient as well. A double-edged sword, no less.

And that leads me to think, perhaps I should abandon the arts for now and be like any other robotic individual who studies all day for the grades and does nothing else.

Like the drugged citizens in Brave New World who are misled into believing that they are happy and contented.

Because I want to be happy too, like any other person.

But at the expense of being dumb?


Thursday, November 17, 2005


Like the dust in the breeze
Silent and sudden...
His muse pays her visits
Upon the unsuspecting one
Unwary, as the breeze dies down
Caught up in the tomes he was
Only left to wonder
What a cooling wind just now...

Saturday, November 12, 2005


It has been a long time. A long time since he had cast his glance on the early skies of the morn. The early darkish purple coupled with the cool night air. The gentle night on the cusp of day. His head felt like lead, laden with thoughts that shouldn't be there. Speaking of it, his whole body felt numb.

It was a chore to move even a finger.

He just felt like lying there on the grass patch. Staring up into the starry heavens above. Looking right into their very depths. Those incomprehensible depths. What was going on up there, he wondered. And for that matter, what did it even look like?

Those twinkling be wiped off from the face of the sky once the harsh sun rises. He was trying to enjoy them while there was still time. While it was still on his side. Though they only vanish from the sight in the day, who knows whether ALL of them would still be around the next night. There might be one less among them.

But who would even bother to care? Much less count...

Friday, November 11, 2005


He saw. Before he even stepped into the room, he had already felt the animosity emanating from it, like the stench of decomposed bodies that simply wouldn't go away until someone did something about it.

They say absence makes the heart grows fonder. What lies those humans spew from their orifices. Those inane holes in their faces, good for nothing at all. All they know was to complain and criticize.
"Are human lives really that boring?" he thought. Amused yet disappointed at the same time. He belonged to the faction that believed humans were capable of greater good. Never mind that the faction was increasingly ostracized by his tribe. For now, they couldn't do anything. They were not that united. Yet.

Liars, all of them. Not one ounce of truth in their speech. "One must behave as though one is speaking to Loki," he grimaced. Even those Immortals had to step gingerly around him. Let alone a semi-deity like him.

Perhaps Loki was really speaking the truth when he said that he had messed around during the creation of the human race. Tainted by Loki. He shivered. No time to dwell on the consequences of that yet. He was already late in maintaining his tomes, and there was a room of angry readers to deal with.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

A Thousand Blossoms

A silent scream out into the night
Vibrating through the fibre of the soul
Like a soul incarcerated I was amongst the human crowd
Yet alone I still felt, the unmistakable fear
And slowly the gentle touches of the wind cups my face
A welcome change in the humid night, if one is observant
One sees on the breeze dead petals of cherry blossoms
As they struggle to hold onto, the fabric of their existence which
Was torn violently from their beings
Restless now they are, in search of that final destination
Those lovely red petals, dancing violently in the wind
Caught in the warm currents. like a thousand shards slicing
Into my heart, piece by piece I see them fall,
Those petals lying, trampled by the passer-bys
Uncared and unspoken for
The beauty forgotten


I do not know what I am writing, just the spewing out of certain thoughts in my mind. Until I make sense of it, au revoir...

Monday, November 07, 2005

La Traviata

These few days have been rather erratic of late. I smell a change in the air, yet I know not what is heralded. Only the perfunctory smell, the lightness of change hangs in the air. In the mannerisms of those animals, the snorting of the horses and the flight of the birds.

Is it just me? Or is the world changing? No matter as I have been caught up in increasingly outlandish habits, such as listening to operas, particularly Verdi's La Traviata. They never fail to pull me out of my chair and throw me amidst into their story. And not without regret, I must say.

With La Traviata spinning in the humid afternoon, the ceiling fan whirring softly above, a cup of English tea in hand, listening to Italian opera, life is wonderful.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

What I Saw (revised)

Along the path
I see
a petal

From a guilty rose
The threads of Time
Snaps and breaks
As it floats
Into the black cesspool
Juxtaposing against
The blackness
A spot of
Or is it white?
Remembrance fails
As it vanishes
Into the void
Just a fragment
Of all in


A new version, after I went through its structure again. Spot the changes and tell me which one is better my dear readers ...

Yours truly